

Sign the new petition for a vote on incorporation

Sign the new petition for a vote on incorporation

We hope you are having a great fall season!

The EIC has been busy gathering signatures for a new petition seeking a vote on whether Edgemont should incorporate into a village. The response to date has been overwhelming. Currently, we are slightly above the legal minimum (about 1,000) required to file.

Nonetheless, to establish a comfortable margin in anticipation of a challenge from the Greenburgh Town Supervisor, we are still collecting signatures. (For reference, the second petition had 1,721 signatures and the first had 1,317.)


For this petition, we hired a surveyor to set forth new metes and bounds. The resulting territory is slightly different from the Greenville Fire District’s borders, which formed the territory for the two prior petitions. However, all taxpayers in the Greenville Fire District are within the boundaries of the proposed village.


Further, incorporation has no effect whatsoever on the school district’s borders, enrollment eligibility, school taxes, or school district governance. If you reside within the Edgemont School District now, you will remain a school district resident whether or not Edgemont incorporates.


We’ve found small meetings via Zoom to be effective for incorporation Q&A. If you and some neighbors would like to organize an information session, or if you just have questions you’d like to run by us, please email us here. If you’re interested in signing the petition, please email


To learn more about incorporation, visit


Enjoy the fall weather, and we hope to see you around!





Town reverses their position on shared services -- the primary financial concern about incorporation

Town reverses their position on shared services -- the primary financial concern about incorporation

Spoiler alert: The Town doesn’t want us to vote on incorporation

Spoiler alert: The Town doesn’t want us to vote on incorporation